About Us
Irwin Data Services was a name first coined by my husband when he was thinking about starting a business in the early 90's. The plan never came to fruition, but the name and logo had been developed. Many years later I was looking to try my wings at a business venture. Since much thought, effort and energy had been placed into the Irwin Data Services name and logo, I decided to commandeer them for myself. Thus, in 1998 Irwin Data Services was resurrected as a desktop publishing services company serving the needs of non-profits.
Around this same time, an amazing opportunity sprang up. A company that sold, serviced and supported TeleMagic was in need of someone with extensive knowledge of the workings of TeleMagic. I had served as a TeleMagic administrator since 1991, so I knew it intimately. I worked with this company for some time, then ended up taking over the TeleMagic portion of the business completely. Rather than come up with another name, I decided Irwin Data Services would work just as well for a company that sold, serviced and supported CRM software. So, the business of desktop publishing was pushed to the back of the closet. I still did a little from time to time, but the main focus was on TeleMagic.
In addition to the TeleMagic work, I help non-profits develop their Web presence.